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Private Investor Participation

General information
In order to be able to fund further development of YOKdata we have created the YOKcoin (YOK). The YOK is an Ethereum based ERC20 token which is a market standard and well known and accepted by all major exchanges. We have created a fixed amount of 150 million YOK to be used for funding.

For those who are interested to invest in YOK but are not into trading on a crypto exchange and/or using a crypto wallet, we have created the possibility to invest and profit in an easier way.

We have created a portfolio account which we will manage. You are able to participate using a normal bank transfer. The value in YOK will be calculated, put in the portfolio account and blocked as part of your participation.

You are able to track your investments day-to-day value from within your YOKdata subscription using the dashboard.

  • no need to buy YOK coins on exchange and/or create your own crypto wallet.
  • 25% discount on the price of the YOK at the moment of participation.
  • get a free lifetime subscription on YOKdata. And when you participate of more then 250 Euro you will get 50Gb storage.
  • monitor investment value on your YOKdata subscription dashboard.

  • your participation is locked for 12 months, meaning you cannot sell your YOK within this time.

Interested? Send us an email on sales@yokdata.com.