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Enhanced security on and fast growth of YOKdata!

Posted on Nov 5, 2018
Enhanced security on and fast growth of YOKdata!

We have further enhanced the security of YOKdata (our secure cloud storage based on blockchain technology).

First of all users are now able to select 2Factor Authentication from their Profile pages to secure their login to the website even more.
At the moment we only support email verification, but within the near future we will extend these options.

Secondly we have upgraded the way we store (the parts of) your files.
From now on we store each part twice and in a different physical locations. This way we achieve an even better protection against intrusions  on our systems and since we also make backups from every physical location your files should be even safer then before.

Our campagnes on LinkedIn and other (social) media have been very succesfull.
We now have subscribers to YOKdata in 25 countries worldwide.

We want to thank all our users for their trust and their suggestions to make YOKdata an even better environment.

You'll be hearing more of us soon, with more updates and new functions.